Insnydingswaanzin Na Operasie By Troeteldiere (en Vyf Maniere Waarop Ek Dit Hanteer)
Insnydingswaanzin Na Operasie By Troeteldiere (en Vyf Maniere Waarop Ek Dit Hanteer)

Ek het 'n familielid wie se twee volwasse honde verlede week gesteriliseer is. Ek het dus geweet dat die landoproepe in spades verwag word. Maar niks het my voorberei op die aanslag van snyplekke wat op my gewag het na aanleiding van hierdie eenvoudige prosedure nie.

Sekerlik, dit is senuweeagtige nellies. Maar hulle is regtig nie anders as ek en jy as jy moet let op die kleinste tekens van 'n ongelukkige hegtingswerf nie. Rooiheid, opgeblase gevoel en geween is nie 'n aangename teken nie en ek sou hoop dat enige troeteldier-eienaar na die operasie op die uitkyk sou wees vir hierdie simptome.

Daarom het ek foto's van ver af gebring en die webwerf op afstand nagegaan weens hul eie [wonderlike] veearts se afstand van 1,5 uur (jy weet sy is geliefd as hulle bereid is om so ver te reis vir haar sorg).




her take? haul ‘em in for a close-up look-see. it’s best, after all. mine? here’s my basic recommendation for any angry-looking incision site:

1. avoidance, part 1

make sure the e-collar fits well. can she get around it? is he licking it when you’re not watching? is it just long enough to bang into the surgery site and undo all our good work?

2. avoidance, part 2

try a light, loose cotton t-shirt, some boxer shorts or a clean sock, depending on the area affected. a light dressing, changed often, will sometimes be indicated if the area allows.

3. pack it

alternate applications of warm and cool packs on the affected area (with a clean kitchen towel soaked in comfortably hot or cold epsom salts works for me). though you should know that many veterinarians despise the idea of any wetness on their suture lines.

4. meds?

sadly, antibiotics are sometimes necessary. we often culture the affected area to make sure we’re killing the right bugs with our choice of drugs.

5. movement restriction

crate ‘em, please! no exercise for a week or two (unless your surgeon recommends more careful, lengthy restrictions, as for orthopedic procedures). and for some areas, especially after mass resections in highly mobile spots (underarm or inner thigh, for example) we recommend keeping your pet in hospital for a few days so we can watch pets carefully and limit their movements.

after dealing with all this neuter-site stress, another family member underwent eyelid surgery. more careful attention to sutures, swelling and local antibiotic application.

and then, the kicker: a second-opinion case (i hate these). a local surgeon had refused to see him due to the lack of a direct referral from the original veterinarian (this is typical). so he was all mine. (gee, thanks, dr. surgeon.)

after one month and three surgeries (a mass removal on his right flank) the dog’s sutures had continued to open up…completely, every time. the long incision (about 8 inches!), was a scary sight. thankfully, the large dog’s capable healing mechanisms had led to a nice, dark pink bed of granulation tissue.

“let it heal all by itself,” i’d said, after cleaning the area, culturing it and changing his [too-small, non skin-specific dose] of antibiotics. hot packs for three days, some crating for a week, and the site should be three times as pretty by next week’s re-check. if i’m lucky.

pets are tough on suture lines, it’s true. they’d love nothing better than to lick the wound into submission, lie in the dirt, roll in carcasses and run around like silly creatures after surgery. meanwhile, you and i would be feeling sorry for ourselves in bed. pets are just special that way. too bad they can’t be a little more like us on these occasions.
