Sparta Die 'Mean Kitty' Wat Met FeLV Gediagnoseer Is (en 'n Berig Oor Die Feit Dat Hy Goed Leef Met Katleukemie)
Sparta Die 'Mean Kitty' Wat Met FeLV Gediagnoseer Is (en 'n Berig Oor Die Feit Dat Hy Goed Leef Met Katleukemie)

Het jy Sparta ontmoet? Hy is die Sparta-kat van "Mean Kitty" -faam. En wat u ook al dink van die aggressiewe spel, eienaar-kat verhouding agter hierdie internet sensasie, dit is duidelik dat Sparta baie geliefd is …

… en nou is hy ook FeLV-positief gediagnoseer.

Hierdie pos is opgedra aan Sparta en sy eienaars, wat ongetwyfeld die warrel van emosies ervaar wat hierdie diagnose bied.

Die nuus was ook moeilik vir sy aanhangers. Die meeste katliefhebbers het per slot van rekening vooropgestelde opvattings oor die katte-leukemie-virus:

Ons toets ons katjies wanneer hulle daar aankom, en wag met langasem terwyl ons veearts die roetine-interne toets vir FeLV en FIV uitvoer. Ons sug verligting as die uitspraak gelewer word. En ons bedroef as die diagnose gelewer word.

Tog het diegene van ons in laasgenoemde, onbenydenswaardige posisie wat die lewenspad vir ons aanbiddende katte gekies het, dikwels die geleentheid gehad om aan te spoor oor die tema om goed te leef met kat leukemie.

feline leukemia can be devastating…but it’s not always. many of my patients live normal feline lifespans despite the clutches of felv. and many more may live undiagnosed, feral lives…without symptoms of this virus’s immunological tyranny.

indeed, the feline leukemia virus is by no means a death sentence for all. sure, if your kitty’s sick and tests positive, too, we might express serious reservations about your cat’s long-term comfort. but if a routine screen screams in hues of blue, an increasing percentage of veterinarians will now urge you to consider the possibility of a full and happy life.

here’s the american association of feline practitioners (aafp) emphatic statement on this:

“retrovirus-positive cats may live many years without related illness. a decision about euthanasia should not be made based on a positive test alone.”

truth is, the more we know about feline leukemia the less it seems we know. but we do know one thing: felv is survivable in many cases. an unpredictable blip in its interaction with the feline immune system can mean a lifetime of freedom from symptoms…while another means chronic illness…and yet another leads to cancers.

and, further, it appears that nothing a veterinarian can do will affect this outcome--not in the long-run, anyway. it’s all up to the vagaries of their mysterious feline immunology.

so here’s a shout-out to sparta, whose legions of admirers have rushed to his virtual bedside to chat him up and check on his progress. we hope your family makes the choice that’s best for you and for everyone in your household. we know it’s a tough road, but we also know they’ll consider all your options for a happy, healthy life with felv.
